Under 250W
250W to 400W
400W to 500W
500W to 600W
600W to 800W
800W to 1,000W
1000W to 1200W
Under 4 mAh
4 mAh to 6 mAh
6 mAh to 8 mAh
8 mAh to 10 mAh
10 mAh to 12mAh
12 mAh to 15 mAh
15 mAh to 18 mAh
18 mAh to 20 mAh
1200W to 1500W
My review of the E-Glide series (GI and GT boards tested only)
The E-glide GI, which I ride off road, rides like about 50% skateboard and 50% Hummer. The chain instead of belt onne is too much up keep although it rides the nices of all boards except the Gnar board.

​It has the wire throttle and 50% of the people want it and the other half want a the brushless wireless ones. The Eglide is brushless. Brushed ones have breaks that don't have the 40 feet breaking curve like the brushless ones. The Eglide I've had or about 5 months I have not had to change a belt yet. Considering how mcuh power it has I'm actually surprised. When I am at the top of the hill and roll backwards and gun the forward acceleration, the belt never slips.

The only thing that sucks is that the battery life lets it only run about 15 miles on flat and even less offroad and hills. Its the total opposite of the Pipemaster board going 20 miles. The battery of the Eglide is super strong, probably the strongest of all batteries I have found. The torque and super high constant wattage and super high amperage are well worth the lesser run time. The whole time I am constantly thinking of how every big hill I go up super fast takes about 1/4 a mile extra off the run time. But its worth it. It just pisses me off that I know I am going to have to wait for it to recharge till I go out again. Its like waiting in line 2 hours for a new roller coaster at Great Adventure. The board is heavy but the way it rides off road, you will appreciate the weight but its not a board for carrying around, especially the 72 lb ones.

The E-glide is the closest in torque and accelleration speed to the 2 wheel drive with the 2 belts and 2 motor Gnarboard Commuter. It costs around 3 grand for it. See the video below.

The Eglide is one of the few boards that can get me up the hill over 20mph. The belted one actually goes faster than the chain version but the chain one has more of the torque for heavier people and a smoother over all feel going off road.

The tires one the Eglides (Kenda, or you can get Goodyear) never skid like the cheaper tires usually on the cheap imports. You feel only a little vibration when you have the best tires. I actually took their tires and also some cheap import tires that come on the cheaper skateboards to a tire store. The manager looked at them and couldn't believe how cheaply made the import tires out of China were. Some tires have a really bad rubber smell unlike the their tires have a smell but nothing foul like the cheap kinds.

I have seen models claim over 28 miles per hour but I am 192 and they did not go near 25+mph with my weight. The charge time on the E-glide is long though. It has 3 twelve amp batteries.

The thing that comes most in handy because the torque and acceleration is so strong, it has the raised edges in the back and in the front so when you go over 23 mph in 5 seconds, I need that curved edge so I can stay on the board, otherwise you dont have anything to press up against. Many boards don't have this and you really can't accelerate as fast in real life because it throws you off. The Gnar board has straps to put your feet in. The curves are the next best replacement. Their decks also flex to rid much of the ballistic impact when going off road and bumps.

Note: I just reviewed the 42 Natural board they have. It goes about half the distance, about 10 miles instead of about 20 miles on the Pipemaster board but it has the power that they don't have in a street board. Its super fast up hills, almost double the acceleration speed up a hill. It also has a brushed motor.

I only recommend the Eglide for those who really need the extra torque and who want that acceleration rush. They are the most expensive board on the market right now and located in California.

Take my skate quiz to see if this is the right board for you. Take the quiz here.
How to chose between Brushed VS Brushless
 How to chose between Belt VS Chain
How to chose between Low Wattage vs High Wattage
How to choose between a super light board and a super heavy board
Kenda makes the most expensive and highest quaity tire for electric skateboards I've found.

Google Kenda and you will see they are the most preferred for ATVS. They are super expensive compared to the other all terrain tires on most boards.

They don't wear out as quickly and have a lower noise when going at high speeds than the cheaper low grade imports.
 ...because every company I called said their skateboard was the best
From the owner of JumpStiltsReviewed.com

Questions you "should" know answers to before choosing an electric skateboard.
I will review the answers you choose and personally make contact to help you get the best deal on your new board. I
have no hidden agenda built into my questions. My recommendation is only based on your answer you choose.
T​he right board is closer than ever!

Click as many boxes as necessary.

Hardness of wheels: Will there be any bumps or totally smooth?
Which is more important? 
I want my electric skateboard to accelerate off like a 
Do you care about the art design on the deck?
Do you need it more splashproof?
Dual or single motor?
How steep are the hills you will be going up?
Smoothness of acceleration?
Speed of controler?
Is the board for a kid or adult?
Experience level?
I want my board to be built mostly for:
Charge time:
What type of vibe do you want?
How important is run time for you?
Do you prefer a higher or lower height of your board?
Which is more important to you?
Do you want a factory battery or an upgraded amperage battery that costs more?
Do you to be able to hotwire your motor so it can go 50 mph?
What is your weight range?
Can you sacrifice a lightweight board for more power?
What weight would you like your electric skateboard?
Do you prefer a particular brand?
If so, which brand?
What size shoes do you wear?
What price range do you want to stay in:
Phone number:
Best time to call:
Contact me for special weekly promotions and offers.
Experience with electric skateboards:
smooth sidewalks
mostly offroad
mostly street
street and offroad
Tops speed
Fastest Acceleration
most torque
longest battery
smoothest ride
small hills
medium hills
steep hills
very smooth
under 8 miles
8 to 10
10 to 12
12 to 18
18 to 20
1 speed
2 speed
3 speed
not sure yet
all terrain
under 2 hours
2 to 4 hours
5 hours
high end
5 hours
somewhat important
not important
not sure
peak power
constant power
no, 24mph is high enough
0 to 110
110 to 150
150 to 180
180 to 220
I need lightweight
Heavy is ok
36 to 50
under 18
19 to 25
26 to 35
36 to 50
Whisper quiet
loud humming
saw one for first time
saw on internet
been researching them
saw someone on one
I am not sure what brand I should get.
I will buy if I get a deal
I want to buy within my budget
I am interested in becoming a dealer so I can buy wholesale
I would love to get a demo model at a reduced price
I don't mind buying a scratched up used model for a really cheap price
under $1000, low range, low torque, low speed (Fiik, Skatetek, etc.)
$1000 to $1500, high end stock boards (Boosted, Metro Board, Eglide, etc.)
$1500+ Custom Boards, (dual chained motors, 40+mile range, may not be street legal to use)
$3000+ Super high end, (4 motors, Race Quality components, Highest C rating batteries, So fast foot straps are needed)